Useful Forms
For your convenience and to save you time in the office, please print out, complete the following forms, and bring them to your first appointment. Forms are also available in the office, if you prefer to fill them out there. Please arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment to complete the forms before you meet with a psychologist or counselor.
client_intake_forms.pdfPlease read the Notice of Privacy Policies and Client Rights Responsibilities Forms. If you are a new client, keep a copy of each for your records.
If you would able, please bring the completed Intake Forms (below) to the first appointment: The following is form provides the Coaching Guidelines and a copy of a Coaching Contract that will be completed at your first office visit. If you would like Abundant Living to bill your insurance or would like your psychologist or counselor to coordinate care with another medical provider, please complete the Authorization to Release or Exchange Information Form. |